
Recent global turbulence has underscored the need for education providers to embrace the digital era to develop young people as life-long learners, who are equipped with the independence, confidence and intellectual capacity required for an ever-changing world full of challenges and opportunities. 

Emperor College London courses take distance learning to a new level. Our learners benefit from a highly experienced team of teaching staff who are experts in digital learning.  Learners can access 24-hour remote academic support. This means their questions are answered almost instantly irrespective of where they are and when they ask them.

We take great pride in our digital learning resources which are accessible via our bespoke learning management system – Tau Ceti.

Foundation Programme - Business, Economics & Social Sciences (1 Year)

Business & Innovation

Explore and appreciate the interdependence of key 21st century business concepts with an awareness of the necessity and power of innovation.


Build on a firm understanding of Micro and Macro Economics fundamentals to critically engage with ‘choices’ in the wider world.

Social Sciences

Develop an analytical and evaluative grasp of global issues and their causes, consequences and possible courses of action.

Core Mathematics

Acquire the know-how to demonstrate fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts through reasoning, deductions, inferences, and drawing conclusions.

Academic Skills & Research

Develop skills relating to critical thinking; holding a supported, substantive argument; analysing and using data or sources critically. 

English (IELTS preparation)

Confident English skills will accelerate your career prospects and help you travel the world. IELTS (the International English Language Testing System) is is accepted by more than 10,000 organisations worldwide, including top universities, professional associations, and private employers.

Supporting Students with Additional Needs

Emperor College London is committed to recognising every student’s strengths and ensuring that they receive appropriate support for any challenges that they might face.  All of our staff have undertaken special educational needs training, including training in dyslexia by Made by Dyslexia.  Our teaching teams understand how to get the very best out of every student and encourage students to understand how they learn and how they can use this to ensure success both at Emperor College and beyond.  

We assess every student at the start of the course so that we understand how they learn and what support they may need both inside and outside of lessons.  If you want to know more about our special educational needs provision then contact our admissions team at    

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